
Alfonso Puicercus is the owner of the hotel. He has his family roots in Alquezar.

He began going out into the mountains as a child. With the help of his father and the old shepherds of the town, he discovered the old trails of the Sierra de Guara,

the deepest ravines and the most impressive cliffs.

A young man with a restless and entrepreneurial character, he decided to offer his knowledge to foreign tourists. He started as a guide when he was 14 years old.

With his job and 7 wetsuits he bought, he began his business adventure. That was the seed of Avalancha, a company dedicated to adventure tourism,

which he founded when he was 20 years old. He was one of the pioneers in Spain. Once qualified in the first promotions as a Professional Mountain Guide,

he decided to specialize in canyoning. After 3 years, there were already 7 guides hired.

He realized that his clients demanded quality accommodation. There were none in the area. He then imagined a Hotel, comfortable, with personality and good service.

He was then 22 years old. This ambitious project helped him become a Finalist for the Young Aragonese Entrepreneurs award. Soon the works began.

Many tons of bedrock had to be extracted to fit the entire building in the planned space that had one of the best views of the medieval town.

Inspired by the strong Alto Aragonese architecture, he actively collaborated in the design and decoration of the Hotel. Five years later, the dream

became reality and in the summer of 1999 the Hotel Santa María de Alquézar was inaugurated.